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Oklahaven’s 45th Anniversary DVD – One Child’s Journey to Health

Robert was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis at the age of two and, at age five, was facing the possibility of methotrexate, a chemotherapy drug. Often sick, always afraid of being hurt, whining and crying most of the time, Robert had little to look forward to other than a life of lack of mobility, drug care and the downward spiral. The most significant improvement seen in Robert over the first six weeks of chiropractic was his emotional stability. Robert also began eating and sleeping better, which in turn gave him more energy and a desire to be active.
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Oklahaven 1995 video excerpt – Family Finds Hope in Light of Grave Prognosis

Ashton diagnosed with a chromosome disorder couldn’t even sit up, let alone do the normal things a 2-year-old can do. After a few months of chiropractic care, Ashton was pulling herself up, had more confidence in herself and overall had more interest in life.
Order Oklahaven 40th Anniversary DVD – Parent’s testimonials
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